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Update on the Prince of Wales Island Wide Art Extravaganza 2020

Writer's picture: Your Chamber OfficeYour Chamber Office

After much discussion and thought, the committee members for the Prince of Wales Art Extravaganza Exhibit have decided to postpone our September 19th, 2020 exhibit.

The committee reached this tough decision because we did not feel our venue could accommodate the necessary distancing and health guidelines outlined by our state’s COVID-19 policy on large gatherings.

In addition, because this year’s event is taking place in one of our smaller communities, we are hesitant to introduce multiple visitors into the community, considering that in the past our event has hosted several hundred people and artists.

Our event was to be held at the local school in Hydaburg and as of yet there are no guidelines as to how schools will be reopening in the Fall. The committee does not feel comfortable putting additional pressure on the school to hold a large event until it is determined how students will be returning later this year.

Although we regret the decision to postpone, the committee feels this decision is in the best interest of our Island and all of our communities to wait until there are less health concerns and restrictions. 

We hope to reschedule this event in 2021.   Thank you to everyone for the commitment to art, music, and catering to the Prince of Wales.  There have been a lot of people working behind scenes to prepare for this event all year.  

We are honoring all refunds to artists who have already paid, and giving everyone the option to show-case their two pieces of art through a virtual show for the month of September.  Please contact Gretchen Klein to participate in virtual show, and promote, and sell your art through the


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