The staff at POW Vocational and Technical Education Center (POW VOCTEC) have been busy raising funds and scheduling hosting classes. There is a scheduled class in March which is a 6-pack Coast Guard License Class ($950 course fee) from March 30 thru April 8th, and a Water Operator Class (sponsored and hosted for free by the Alaska Rural Water Association), April 6-10th. Information on all upcoming classes may be found on our recently updated website at https://powvoctec.org/upcoming-classes.
POW VOCTEC is a non-profit education facility and currently our primary source of income is generated from room/facility rentals and donations. We also offer advertising on our LED light board and we participate in the Amazon Smile program, where Amazon will donate 1/2% of your purchases to a non-profit of your choice.
Currently, fundraising efforts include a cash prize raffle, donation requests, and grant writing. Raised runs go toward the operations and maintenance of the facility, including staff time to schedule new courses. The cash prize raffle will be drawn on March 31, 2020, at 12:00pm, at the VOCTEC. Tickets are $20 each and may be purchased at POW VOWTEC or from any Board of Director. The first ticket drawn is wort $2,000, second ticket is $1,000, third ticket is $500, with seven additional opportunities to win $50 prizes.
We are always looking for people interested in teaching at POW VOCTEC. We can assist in setting course prices that cover instructor preparations and teaching time, materials, room rental fees, and administration cost. For more information, please contact Kris Kain at https://powvoctec.org/upcoming-classes, or call 907-401-1456.