This meeting of the Board of Directors was held on Friday, November 8th, 2019, at the PeaceHealth Conference Room in Craig. Our Board Meeting was called to order at 12:03pm, by President Sharilyn Zellhuber
2. Roll Call:
a. Present:
i. Sharilyn Zellhuber (President), Jan Bush (Past President), Di Thain, Chad Burnett, Karen Petersen, Brian Templin, Sara Yockey via teleconference but no connection was made, and Wendy Hamilton (Office Manager)
ii. Stephanie Jurries, Tom Schiesser, Abby Twyman, and Lynnette Logan
iii. New member Bradley Clark, EXP Realty, joined us about 12:30pm. Welcome & introductions were made.
3. Election Results: 23-Ballots were received by the Chamber office. Welcome to renewing Directors Abby Twyman and Chad Burnett and welcome to NEW Directors Brian Templin and Sara Yockey.
4. Minutes:
a. Karen Petersen/Chad Burnett moved/motioned to approve October 2019 Minutes as presented. All in favor. None opposed. Motion carried.
5. Office Report: Wendy Hamilton
a. Wendy sent an office report to the board prior to the meeting. Karen Petersen would like clarification about the 5050 Raffle drawing not being an option for Klawock Voc Tech. W: In order to have a raffle, you must have pre-printed raffle tickets exactly stating the offered prizes, along with a few other things. 5050 raffle tickets would not be able to state the exact prize because it is half the pot, and that amount is not known in advance. Kris at the Voc Tech center will go back to her Board and explain; they may or may not hold a raffle early next year. If they decide to go along with a raffle, we have to decide whether to be apart of this raffle or not as it could push us over the top, tax-wise, with all the other community raffles we already help sponsor. We will be holding our Trade Show 5050 raffle in April and this will add to our Gaming total as well.
b. Tentatively, Jessi Curtis, Census 2020 recruiting manager will be here the week of Nov 18th. She is lining up places to meet in most communities. If she can’t find any place in Klawock, she’ll use our back room and if needs be, & our WiFi.
c. Directors binders: If no objections, I would like to put maintain an updated Director binder and make new ones for new Directors ONLY. (all agreed)
d. I called Tongass Electric about replacing our florescent lights and they will do so come January, when things slow down;
e. Sunday, December 15th: Our meeting place still has not been decided.
f. Guide update: email from producer: I’m nearly finished with ad builds. I’m pouring the directory text into the back pages, filling in above the ads. It’s harder this year because you did so well in selling space. I aim to send a proof of all the editorial pages by Tuesday (including Communities). We will have a couple days to proofread and our filing deadline with Journal Graphics is Friday, 15th.
g. Membership Dues: We have a total of 248 members, as of Nov 7th, a gross income from dues $84,522.25. This amount includes an o/s balance of $2,271.00! Jan requested that Wendy email our Board a copy of our 2020 membership spreadsheet so that we can figure out how to separate our gross Dues into categories.
h. Tax-Free Day: Craig City Council has agreed to having Craig Tax-Free 2019 Day on SBS, November 30th.
i. Operations Manual: Update has begun, this will be an ongoing project. Office: I will be out of my office, Dec 4th-11th, Karen will be open half days.
6. Website Report: Abby Twyman
I am hoping to have everything caught up this weekend with more time to dedicate to Chamber projects. Discussion: Abby has been posting really awesome articles.
7. Island Post: Kathy Peavey said she’d have an article to Chamber office by November 12th, about the History of the Chamber, and Jan Bush is to write our article about the Trade Show in December, and Karen will write one about the Banquet.
7. Marketing Committee Report
a. Our Visitor website is now in a tracking and follow-up phase; our target this fall has been on social media. It will be a part of our budgeting conversation come December to see where else we want to go.
8. Banquet Di Thain
i. Theme: the theme of the event will be “Winter in SE Alaska”, CTA building; the banquet will be open to Chamber members first and guests as room allows.
ii. Discussion: We’ll need a setup crew and a cleanup crew. Set up the day before is desirable. CTA said that is they don’t have a paying customer the day before we can have it, otherwise it’ll be once the hall is empty.
iii. Menu: We are offering 2 different menus, when tickets are purchased, people can decide on a fish plate or meat plate. We’ll have bread & butter on the tables, we’ll serve chowder, then salads, then half a crab/6-8 pieces of flank steak with new, garlic potatoes; self-serve dessert table. I thought we could have labels on each dish, which member cooked which foods.
iv. I have secured 100 crab, if he can catch that much. Abby has a group of friends with restaurant experience who will prepare it. Seafood chowder-I’m waiting for Matthew to get back to me with a price, bread & butter, we’ll need about 150 salads,100-150 lbs. of Flank steak which will be BBQ'd, cut, and plated, and have the kids with DC closeup serve it. We’ll have other things costs like marinade, vinaigrette. Chamber member dessert donations as well as a big sheet cake from AC. Lynnette will see if we qualify for a First Bank grant to pay a community service group to serve meal & cleanup, payment is generally $10 per hour per helper and supervisor.
v. Babysitting: Maybe the volleyball kids might like to do this as a fundraiser, the parents would pay them on an agreed upon donation. We will verify that the room can be used. Because of alcohol service, maybe CTA could provide bussing?
vi. CTA Public Transportation will be available.
vi. Tickets: $45 per ticket and a sale price for a table of 6 or more at $40 each.
vii. Entertainment: The band, Kfunk is $700 + travel, and I am donating the lodging and van for their use. Matt Hamilton, Ktn, has agreed to be the MC- announce dinner, door prizes, band. He is a graphic artist so he will do the poster design. Stephanie said Ashley Snookes, from Spruce Root, who works with small business entrepreneurs would be willing to do a short 10-15-minute talk; we will need to get her housing. maybe Lynnette & Stephanie could arrange for that to happen. Sort of combine an educational element with entertainment. I would like to have door prizes, maybe businesses to donate logo things, hats, coats, etc. President Sharilyn will do a Welcoming speech. Ralph will serve beer & wine. We are trying really hard to get Josh’s beer.
viii. Cleanup: Chad offered to help here. Di, Chad & CTA will do the walk thru both before the event and afterward cleanup.
ix. Advertise 2020 Extravaganza: Hours: doors open 5:30pm, serve dinner 6pm, and over by 9pm. We are going to send out a mailout for our Trade Show and I’m thinking we can shrink the poster to a page size and add to this mailout packet. I’ve been talking this event up with others and they all say it really sounds like fun. Hoping businesses will bring their staff. As soon as I get the design, I will get it to Abby, who in turn will make sure that 250 tickets are printed, and the office can start selling them. Maybe use Vista Print or Snap Fish.
9. OLD Business
a. Raffle Tickets: Jan will sell raffle tickets the day before Thanksgiving at Klawock AC and Nov 30th, Craig Bazaar. If anyone can come and spell her for a bit, please do so. Jeannie McFarland and Karen sold at the Thorne Bay store and will continue to do so; they will also be at the Thorne Bay Christmas Bazaar. Wendy will drop raffle tickets at Klawock School for Sara Yockey, and she will be selling them at Coffman Cove Bazaar this weekend. Jan send out a bunch of letters asking for $100 donations; $450 have come in thus far.
b. Small Business Saturday: We have 5 coupon ads for a half page insert in the Island Post, dated November 20th. We may start advertising tax-free day at November 30th, right away.
10. NEW Business:
a. Elect Officers: Present officers are President Sharilyn, Past president Jan, Vice-president Stephanie, Secretary Abby, Treasurer Tom. Karen Petersen/Chad Everett/Jan Bush nominates/2nd/3rd to fill officer positions as follows: President Sharilyn; Vice-president Brian; Past president Jan; Treasurer Karen; Secretary Abby. All in favor. None opposed
b. POWTEC Transportation Resolution: Is there anything the Chamber wants in/deleted from the new draft. Discussion: The way that our roads receive improvements is by this document. All the communities get together, we all sign off on it, and it then goes to the Legislature. This list decides which roads receive what. Every community sign off on this document unanimously. All communities have committed to stand by this document and not go off as a singular community to lobby for roads on their own. This document is why we have so many paved roads on this Island and why we have the IFA ferry. Q. It seems that the Kasaan road is first on the list but gets by-passed. A: It has been at the top of the list for several years; I think they willingly took second place while the Whale Pass road was being paved. IFA is the foremost priority, then Kasaan road, resurfacing Hydaburg road, etc. There is no funding attached to this list, but this list is how the Federal and State decides where the funding will go next. The Kasaan road has 3-jurisdictions/ownership: Kasaan/USFS/City of Thorne Bay. As of now, the single most important Transportation issue is the IFA, they have lost a half-million dollars are changes are in the making.
c. Karen/Chad motions/2nd to remove Tom as a signer and add Brian Templin in his place.
d. Craig City Walking Map: Craig Council has approved Brian to update our Walking City map and Wendy has volunteered to solicit ads to help pay for costs.
e. Procedures Manual
i. This project will be worked on starting in the Fall. (Updating has begun)
a. Board meeting adjourned at 1:25pm.
Upcoming Meetings/Events:
a. POWCAC, Tuesday, November 26th, Klawock
b. Finance Committee Meeting: Tuesday, December 3rd, 1:30pm, Chamber Office
c. Board/Budget Meeting: Sunday, December 15th
Submitted by POW Chamber manager Wendy Hamilton