1. President Pat brought the meeting to order at 7:02am.
2. After the Pledge of Allegiance, Ruben Duran led us in the Four Way Test, and Pat Tully
gave the thought for the day: “Where there is cake there is hope; and there is always
cake.” –Dean Koontz.
3. No Zone or District updates.
4. Michelle O’Brien is planning a variety of Club socials for the year, and Rosie Roppel
encourages all Club members to take pictures of Club events and activities to post to
social media.
5. Rosie gave an update on Matouš Hofmeister. He left Ketchikan on July 7, and has
reached his home in the Czech Republic.
6. Music Moves: Scott Brainard noted that the Borough has begun preparing the ground
for the installation at Rotary Beach; Scott is going to take a look to make sure the shape
is correct.
7. Duck Race: Our virtual Duck Race was very successful—thanks to everyone who
organized the event and sold tickets! Treasurer Cynna Gubatayao reported after the
meeting that the event grossed $23,127--$3,127 more than we expected.
8. Board meeting: At the July 8 Board meeting, the Board voted to eliminate the meal and
coffee part of the quarterly dues for July-September, since we do not know when we
will be meeting at Cape Fox again. The dues for the July-September quarter will be
9. The July 16 th Club meeting will be held at 7am in the large shelter at Ward Lake. 2019-
20 President Margaret Custer will present awards for the past year, and new officers
and directors will be installed. Ben Edwards will provide a Zoom link so members who
cannot attend in person will be able to watch the meeting online. If this meeting is
successful we may have outdoor meetings every month or so as long as the pandemic
lasts. More information will be forthcoming.
10. To keep members updated on Club meetings, Pat will provide a summary of each
meeting and send it via email and regular mail for members who are not online.
11. Sergeant-at-Arms: Ben Edwards:
a. Dave Valentine’s birthday is on July 11
b. Helen Mickel’s 38th wedding anniversary is coming up
c. Rosie has small masks that might be appropriate for Interact
d. Cynna is happy that her grandkids are moving here
e. Margaret and Jason recently celebrated their 10 th wedding anniversary
12. Program: Delaney Murphy from Out to Sea Expeditions spoke about her new business
and how they have adapted their business to the pandemic.