On May 7, 2020 the Craig City Council unanimously decided to lift Resolution 20-07, Stay in Place Advisory and Ordinance 725, Setting a Municipal Quarantine Policy In Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic Emergency. The council gave staff direction to begin opening City Facilities safely, while establishing health protocols for each individual facility. On May 13, 2020 Craig City Hall will be open to the public. For the health and safety of the public and staff please read through the criteria below. City Hall Requirements: No walk-ins are allowed at city hall. Please call 826-3275 to make an appointment or from the parking lot prior to entering the building. To maintain the 6 feet distance recommendation, we are requiring that the public call to make an appointment. You must wear a mask or other face covering when you enter City Hall or any city facilities. If you are sick in any form, please do not enter and call City Hall to complete any transactions or answer any questions you may have. When you come to City Hall for your appointment but someone is at the front counter, please wait outside until the front counter is empty and cleaned. The City of Craig public park equipment is now open. The City of Craig will not be cleaning the playground equipment, please use it with caution and bring your own cleaning supplies. The City of Craig will continue to monitor COVID-19 reports and information and provide links and up to date information about the City of Craig response at the city’s website. For information go to www.craigak.com or www.craigak.com/covid. Contact information for City of Craig departments and services. Craig Aquatic Center 826-2794 pool@craigak.com Craig City Hall 826-3275 info@craigak.com Craig EMS 826-4857 ems@craigak.com Craig Harbormaster 826-3404 harbors@craigak.com Craig Police 826-3330 re44@craigpd.com Craig Public Facilities 826-3408 facilities@craigak