At its regular meeting on April 16, 2020, the Craig City Council extended the closure of all Craig city facilities to the public until May 8, 2020. The council will reevaluate the closure notice at the May 7, 2020 regular council meeting.
In addition to extending the closure of city facilities, setting a municipal quarantine policy in response to the COVID-19 pandemic emergency. A copy of the adopted ordinance can be seen by going to the COVID-19 page on the city web site. This ordinance mandates quarantine and travel restrictions for travelers to Craig from outside the state, or from communities (off of Prince of Wales Island) who have confirmed cases of COVID-19. This ordinance is valid until June 16, 2020, unless shortened by the Craig Mayor or extended by
ordinance. This ordinance supersedes the previous policy documents regarding
harbor quarantine and the general quarantine policy adopted by the city.
Go to www.craigak.com/covid for additional information about the closure and how to
access city services.
The City of Craig will continue to monitor COVID-19 reports and information and provide links and up to date information about the City of Craig response at the city’s website. For information go to www.craigak.com or www.craigak.com/covid. Contact information for City of Craig departments and services. Craig Aquatic Center 826-2794 pool@craigak.com Craig City Hall 826-3275 info@craigak.com Craig EMS 826-4857 ems@craigak.com Craig Harbormaster 826-3404 harbors@craigak.com Craig Police 826-3330 re44@craigpd.com Craig Public Facilities 826-3408 facilities@craigak.com Craig Public Library 826-3281 library@craigak.com Craig Public Works 826-3405 publicworks@craigak.com Craig Recreation Department 826-2575 craigrec@aptalaska.net