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Charging stations for EVs are eligible to receive an incentive payment up of to $1,000

Writer's picture: Your Chamber OfficeYour Chamber Office

Effective today, Alaska Power & Telephone Company is expanding its commitment to clean transportation and economic development in rural Alaska by broadening its “AMP-UP” electric

vehicle (EV) incentive program to include community charging stations. Local and tribal governments that install public

. For purposes of program eligibility, AP&T’s definition of tribal government includes ANCSA corporations. Non-profit organizations and businesses can participate if they partner with a municipal or tribal government sponsor.

The program is available in communities where AP&T’s regulated power subsidiary, Alaska

Power Company (APC), provides service. This includes the communities of Gustavus, Haines,

Skagway, Prince of Wales Island - which are served primarily from clean, renewable

hydropower – as well as Tok, and communities served by APC in interior Alaska.

To ensure broad availability, the initial program limit is two chargers per community. Chargers must be level 2 or greater. Incentive recipients must provide a location for the charger, and commit to own, operate and maintain the equipment. Additionally, the recipient must commit to making the charger available to all members of the public at all times, and pay for the cost of electricity.

Additionally, electric vehicles incentives will continue to remain available to AP&T customers

who purchase EVs for use in APC’s service areas, under existing EV incentive program rules.

Additional information about the program, and application materials, are available at or by contacting your local AP&T Service Center.

The program will remain active through 2020; possibly longer pending 2021 budget approvals.


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